Previously accepted models of emplacement dynamics of obsidian lavas have recently been called into question by observations made during the effusive eruptions of Chaiten in 2008-2009 and Cordon Caulle in 2011-2012 in Chile. The eruption of Chaiten was characterized by two distinct styles of emplacement, with the transition between the two resulting in hazardous block and ash flows and periods of dome collapse. Cordon Caulle erupted an obsidian coulee that exhibited behaviors typically associated with eruptions of more mafic lavas such as inflation and advancement via break-out lobe development. Lava emplacement styles are controlled by the physical properties of the lava which are a function of composition, temperature, and time. Banco Bonito lava, Valles caldera, NM, and Obsidian Dome, Inyo Craters, Long Valley, CA are like the lavas from Cordon Caulle and Chaiten respectively and were the subject of scientific research drilling in the 1980's, providing spatially well-constrained samples that can be used to measure residual water concentrations, thermal histories, and apparent viscosities. These three datasets are then used to infer emplacement behaviors of Banco Bonito and Obsidian Dome. Thermal histories of obsidian lavas can be constrained experimentally using relaxation geospeedometry. Previous applications of the method used up to five isobaric heat capacity measurements per quantitative cooling rate, requiring multiple days of laboratory work. We present a Monte Carlo inspired numerical solver capable of identifying comparable natural cooling rates using a single experimental measurement.