ByB. P e t e r s s o n ++Earlieq in part 1 of this paper, a method for Solid Fat Content (SFC) determination with pulsed NMR has been described for cocoa butters and cocoa butter equivalents. The present work (part 11) is a continuation with these fats togetherwith 10 to30uh~milkfat.These fatblendsneedamodified pre-treatment before NMR analysis. Crystallisation of the melted fat should be done at 00 C for 1.50 min and subsequent tempering performed at 19.00 C for 40 h. No other deviations from the earlier reported method have been carried out. Also SFC determination for chocolate has been described and used asatoolforthedevelopment ofaproperNMR method,givingSFCona pure fat blend more or less equal to SFC in corresponding milk chocolate.Different pre-treatments (i.e. tempering temperatures) have given very different SFC results. A crystallographic understanding of these were achieved using X-ray, microscope and thermal analysis techniques. The chosen tempering temperature 19.00 C gave a single solid solution, which is essential in chocolate if the right properties of the fat are to be reached.Differences in SFC on pure fat blends by different tempering temperatures could, in the same way, be found in milk chocolates stored at corresponding temperatures. Storage temperature can, to a certain degree, be chosen in ordertooptimizeandcontrol theSFC( inachocolateproduct.Thechoice ofinitial temperatureespecially will strongly inlluence the SFC in chocolate and the crystal lattice remains virtually unaffected by changes in storage temperature.