Fatty acid (FA) composition of intramuscular (IM, Longissimus thoracis muscle), intermuscular (IT) and subcutaneous (SC) fat of one hundred intensively fed yearling bulls with different propensities to fatten were studied. Meat samples were collected from Asturiana de los Valles bulls with different genotypes with respect to the myostatin gene (mh/mh n = 24, mh/+ n = 26 and +/+ n = 25) and from Asturiana de la Montañ a (n = 25) bulls lacking the mutation responsible for double muscling and characterised by small to mediumframe size adapted to less favoured mountain areas. FA profiles were expressed as percentages of total FA (g/100 g of total FA) and organised into groups (saturated (SFA), branched (BFA), monounsaturated (MUFA), C18:1trans, polyunsaturated (PUFA), n À 6, n À 3, conjugated linoleic acids (CLA), unsaturated (UFA)) and ratios (MUFA/SFA (M/S), PUFA/SFA (P/S), UFA/SFA (U/S), n À 6/n À 3).The IT depot was the most saturated and SC depot contained the most monounsaturated FAs, while IM fat had the most polyunsaturated FAs. IM fat showed the highest P/S ratio and for the n À 6/n À 3 ratio there were no significant differences between adipose tissue depots.In general, genotype effects were more pronounced in IM and SC fat profiles compared to the IT depot, for which no significant differences between genotypes were found in SFA, PUFA (including n À 6 and n À 3), UFA and most of the ratios. IM fat of mh/mh animals had the highest content of PUFA and thus the highest P/S ratio. Accordingly, the presence of the gene causing double muscling influenced the tendency to deposit carcass fat and its FA composition, mainly in IM fat. In general, when carcass fat decreased, SFA content decreased while PUFA and UFA contents increased due to the changes in their percentages.