The aim of this research was to investigate the influence of laser surface texturing sequence on the fatigue properties of cold-work tool steel. For this reason, polished hourglass-type test specimens made from cold-work tool steel (K890) were surface textured using laser texturing. Surface textures were introduced before and after hard coating deposition (TiAlN) with the aim to investigate the sequence of surface-texturing process. It was found that coating deposition prolongs the fatigue life. The fatigue life behaviour can be influenced also by the sequence of surface texturing. In the case when laser texturing is done after coating deposition, it suffers in fatigue life properties. From a lower magnification, a fractured surface looks like a quasi-ductile fracture, but a closer look reveals that there is very little plastic deformation and some small flat regions can be seen with clear evidence of a brittle fracture mechanism with cleavage. Due to low fracture toughness of investigated steel, no fatigue striations of crack growth steps were found on the fractured surfaces.