“…Despite extensive efforts to develop reliable creep and fatigue life prediction models, the literature review points out several shortcomings in the existing classical and ML models: - Classical 2–4,6 and previously developed ML models 12,13,15,18–21 are constrained to predicting either creep life or fatigue life. This highlights the necessity for a comprehensive approach that addresses both types of failure.
- The classical 2–4,6 and ML models 12,13,15,18–21 have not adequately addressed the functional dependence of creep and fatigue life on both the chemical and microstructural features along with the physical features, underscoring the need for a threesome investigation.
- The prediction reliability of past ML models is low due to lack of incorporating the feature importance analysis 12–15,17,19,20
- The datasets utilized earlier had limited representation and required expansion, curation, and inclusion of hitherto unexplored data.