Abstract. Strategies for tim e-economic lifetim e assessm ent of therm al barrier coatings (TBC) in service are described and discussed on the basis of experim ental results, achieved on m aterial systems with coatings applied by electron beam physical vapour deposition. Service cycles for gas turbine blades have been sim ulated on specim ens in thermo-mechanical fatigue tests, accelerating the fatigue processes by an increase of load fre quency. Tim e dependent changes in the m aterial system were imposed by a separate ageing, where the samples were pre-oxidized prior to the fatigue test. Results of thermo-mechanical fatigue tests on pre-aged and as-coated specimens gave evidence of interaction between fatigue and ageing processe s. An alternative approach is used, which is focused on the evolution of a failure relevant dam age parameter in the TBC system . The interfacial fracture toughness was selected as a dam age parameter, since one im portant failure mode of TBCs is the spallation near the interface between th e m etal and the ceram ic. Fracture m echanical experiments based on indentation m ethods have been evaluated for m onitoring the evolution of the interfacial fracture toughness as a function of ageing time. It was found that the test results were influenced by both changes of the interface (which is critical in service) and changes in the surrounding material.