Dedico este trabalho a Deus, presença constante, equilíbrio e força, iluminando meu caminho nessa trajetória.Aos meus pais, Maria Perpétuo e Severino, e aos meus irmãos Murilo e Luiz, que já não se encontram entre nós, mas deixaram seu espectro de luz, amor e exemplo.À minha família, pelo carinho, a confiança, o apoio incondicional e por compartilhar comigo, mesmo distante, todas as emoções, alegrias e dificuldades dessa fase.Ao Carlos, por suas palavras de ânimo nos momentos mais difíceis e por suportar, pacientemente, minhas ausências.
AGRADECIMENTOSA Deus, minha fortaleza, meu sustento e refúgio.À professora e orientadora Dr.ª Elizabeth Fujimori, que me ensinou, com humildade e grandeza, o caminho a ser percorrido, por sua competência, dedicação constante e ensinamentos ofertados ao longo dessa trajetória. Sua sabedoria, confiança e amizade acrescentaram valores imprescindíveis à minha evolução.Ao Lucas Petri Damiani a amizade, contribuição e aprendizado na aplicação das técnicas de estatística e na análise dos dados. in Brazil, whose 3rd edition incorporated the evaluation of hemoglobin and vitamin A levels. This reanalysis was based on a complex random sampling with national representation, which allowed describing the situation of VAD and anemia in Brazilian regions and their urban and rural areas. This study included analysis of 3.417 children aged from 6 to 59 months. Anemia was defined as hemoglobin (Hb) <11g/dL, determined by cyanometahemoglobin method. VAD was set as serum retinol <0.7 mol/L, evaluated by high performance liquid chromatography. To expand the sample, the criteria adopted by PNDS were used. The variable responses were presence of anemia, VAD and concomitant deficiency of VAD and anemia, while the explanatory, analyzed considering three dimensions, were link to the structural processes of society (socioeconomic and environmental variables), to the immediate environment of the child (maternal variables, of safety and food consumption); and individual (biological characteristics of the child). The results show a significant reduction in the prevalence of child anemia and VAD in Brazil, although according to the criterion of epidemiological importance of the World Health Organization (WHO), they continue as a moderate public health problem. Despite strong evidences that VAD contributes to the development of anemia, it was verified a low prevalence of these two concomitant nutritional deficiencies among Brazilian children, and no association between them. However, anemia and VAD present common determinants (living in macro-regions less and more developed and in urban areas), reaffirming the transocial character of these nutritional deficiencies. The fact they have as a determinant food insecurity and as protection consuming meat at least once a week reinforce the social determination of these nutritional deficiencies, although food insecurity was not associated with VAD. The results showed as major determinants of anemia and VAD, those related to structural processes of society and the immed...