Natural abundance 13C spin-lattice (TI) relaxation time measurements are reported for unilamellar vesicles of 1,2-dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine), in the liquid crystalline phase, at magnetic field strengths of 1. 40, 1.87, 2.35, 4.23, 7.05, 8.45, and 11.7 tesla (resonance frequencies of 15.0, 20.0, 25.1, 45.3, 75.5, 90.5, and 126 MHz, respectively), and the results are compared to previous 2H T, studies of multilamellar dispersions. For both the 13C and 2H T, studies, a dramatic frequency dependence of the relaxation was observed. At superconducting magnetic field strengths (4.23-11.7 tesla), plots of the 13C TF1 relaxation rates as a function of acyl chain segment position clearly reveal the characteristic "plateau" signature of the liquid crystalline phase, as found previously from 2H NMR studies. The dependence of Tj ' on ordering, determined previously from 2H NMR, and the Tj' dependence on frequency, determined from both '3C and 2H NMR studies, suggest that a unified picture of the bilayer molecular dynamics can be provided by a simple relaxation law of the form T' l ATf + BS2 H W-'1/2. In the above expression, A and B are constants, SCH (=SC-D) is the bond segmental order parameter, and of is the nuclear Larmor frequency. The first (A) term includes contributions from fast, local segmental motions characterized by the effective correlation time Tf, whereas the second (B) term describes slower, collective fluctuations in the local ordering. The value of Tf 10-11 sec, obtained by extrapolating Tj' to infinite frequency, suggests that the segmental microviscosity of the bilayer hydrocarbon region does not differ appreciably from that of the equivalent n-paraffinic liquids of similar chain length.NMR techniques were among the first biophysical methods to be applied to lipid bilayers and biological membranes (1, 2). Perhaps the foremost progress in recent years has been made in applications of NMR lineshape analysis to studies of the molecular ordering and conformations of membranous lipids (3-7). Yet, in spite of early promise (8-11), the interpretation of nuclear spin relaxation experiments has not progressed similarly and, in fact, has remained an outstanding problem in membrane biophysics for more than a decade (cf. ref. 12). The bulk of previous work has involved spin-lattice (TI) relaxation time measurements, which are sensitive to details of the molecular motions in the MHz region. Perhaps the major justification for T, relaxation studies of membranes is their dual character as both solid-like and liquid-like materials. The analogies to simpler liquid crystals point to the necessity of obtaining both static and dynamic information in defining these systems and of distinguishing membranes from other classes of biological macromolecules, such as the globular and fibrous proteins and the nucleic acids. These latter biopolymers, while also rich in dvnamic behavior (13,14), appear to have fairly well-defined average structures that can be directly re...