Strain localization within shear zones may partially erase the rock fabric and the metamorphic assemblage(s) that had developed before the mylonitic event. In poly-deformed basements, the loss of information on pre-kinematic phases of mylonites hinders large-scale correlations based on tectono-metamorphic data. In this study, devoted to a relict unit of Variscan basement reworked within the nappe stack of the Northern Apennines (Italy), we investigate the possibility to reconstruct a complete pressure (P)-temperature (T)-deformation (D) path of mylonitic micaschist and amphibolite by integrating microstructural analysis, mineral chemistry and thermodynamic modelling. The micaschist is characterized by a mylonitic fabric with fine-grained K-white mica and chlorite enveloping micafishes, quartz, and garnet pseudomorphs. Potassic white mica shows Mg-rich cores and Mg-poor rims. The amphibolite contains green amphibole+plagio-clase+garnet+quartz+ilmenite defining S 1 with a superposed mylonitic fabric localized in decimetre-to centimetre-scale shear zones. Garnet is surrounded by an amphibole+plagioclase corona. Phase diagram calculations provide P-T constraints that are linked to the reconstructed metamorphic-deformational stages. For the first time an early high-P stage at >11 kbar and 510°C was constrained, followed by a temperature peak at 550-590°C and 9-10 kbar and a retrograde stage (<475°C, <7 kbar), during which ductile shear zones developed. The inferred clockwise P-T-D path was most likely related to crustal thickening by continentcontinent collision during the Variscan orogeny. A comparison of this P-T-D path with those of other Variscan basement occurrences in the Northern Apennines revealed significant differences. Conversely, a correlation between the tectono-metamorphic evolution of the Variscan basement at Cerreto pass, NE Sardinia and Ligurian Alps was established.
K E Y W O R D SHigh-P metamorphism, mylonite, Northern Apennines, P-T-D path, Variscan orogeny