Motivated by the work of Colin de Verdière and Saint-Raymond [CS-L20] on spectral theory for 0th order pseudodifferential operators on tori we consider viscosity limits in which 0th order operators, P , are replaced by P + iν∆, ν > 0. By adapting the Helffer-Sjöstrand theory of scattering resonances [HeSj86], we show that, in a complex neighbourhood of the continuous spectrum, eigenvalues of P +iν∆ have limits as the viscosity, ν, goes to 0. In the simplified setting of tori, this justifies claims made in the physics literature -see for instance [RGV01].P ν := P + iν∆, where P is a 0th order pseudodifferential operator on the torus (1.1) satisfying (1.2) and the dynamical assumption (1.3). The operator ∆ is the usual Laplacian on the torus.The assumption (1.3) guarantees continuity of the spectrum at 0 [CS-L20], [DyZw19b]. We then show that as ν → 0+ the eigenvalues of P ν in a complex neighbourhood of 0,tend to a discrete set associated to P alone -see Figure 1 for a numerical illustration.