“…(3) In dimension n ≥ 3, Stefanov-Uhlmann-Vasy [SUV21] prove that for general metrics with strictly convex boundary, the lens data determines the metric in a neighborhood of ∂M ; applying this result in the setting of negatively curved manifold, one can recover the metric outside the convex core of the manifold (which contains the projection of the trapped set). (4) In [GGJ22], Bonthonneau, Jézéquel, and the second author recently proved Conjecture 1.7 under the extra assumption that (M 1 , g 1 ), (M 2 , g 2 ) are real analytic, but only using the equality S g 1 = S g 2 of the scattering maps. Our first result in this article is the following local rigidity result answering Conjecture 1.7 for metrics close to each other.…”