The main contradiction identified in the study is that the existing scientific and methodological solves of economy development management processes does not create prerequisites for improving the efficiency of their work, the introduction of progressive technologies for material and moral stimulation of the work of performers and administrative and managerial personnel, advanced social mechanisms for country's economy development and social security employees. Economic and mathematical modeling of the complex system of social financing of enterprises and the economy of the country, scientifically sound personnel policy and the system of motivation of performers and administrative and management personnel is an important and urgent problem. The purpose of the study is to develop and implement an economic and mathematical model of a comprehensive system of social financing of enterprises and the economy of the country, optimizing the wages of the workforce, consistent with revenue growth, deductions for the development of the enterprise (relevant for the employer and the entire workforce), taxation and social contributions (important for the state). The results of the studies conducted and presented in this article allow us to conclude that the proposed social financial technologies for the development of enterprises and the economy of Russia, make it possible, at quite achievable rates of growth of gross domestic product (revenue of enterprises) by 3% per year, to ensure an increase in the wages of working citizens for 5 years by 34 %, which will make it possible to practically end poverty, and to increase contributions to the development fund over 5 years by 16%. Starting from 2026, increase receipts from income tax, tax on profit rate and value added tax and bring this growth to 30% by 2041, which will allow the state to solve many social problems.