The analysis of scientific articles and the Federal State Educational Standards in the field of medical education demonstrates a steady trend of expanding the number of teaching hours for the development of professional competencies, which often occurs to the detriment of the fundamental component of higher medical education. This article raises the problematic issues of modern fundamental education at the Higher School, in particular, teaching the course "Physical and chemical properties of natural compounds" at the Medical University. The authors explore the fundamental possibilities of combining new information technologies with traditional forms of education in a single educational space, which, according to the authors, will ensure the formation of the necessary foundations, involvement and motivation of students, which in turn will become the key to high academic achievement of medical students. Increasing the prestige of obtaining fundamental knowledge will make it possible to form a systematic and science-oriented thinking, in the case analyzed by the authors, it will provide an opportunity to fully consider the physicochemical properties of natural compounds, in the context of the course of biochemical reactions, and also as a basis for creating innovative drugs of natural origin. is an analysis of the use of the fundamental foundations of higher medical education in the study of the course of physical and chemical properties of natural compounds at the faculties of Sechenov University. The fundamental foundations laid down in the course "Physical and chemical properties of natural compounds" are combined with specific components of educational programs, including familiarity with modern analytical practices, the formation of skills in working with scientific literature and regulatory documentation, the use of online counseling in preparation for laboratory and practical classes, for students students in the following areas: "Pharmacy", "General Medicine", "Dentistry", "Nursing", "Biotechnology".