Presentation of a rare clinical case of hydronephrosis of the lower half of the kidney due to vasoureteral conflict against the background of the complete doubling of the upper urinary tract. The rarity of this anomaly is demonstrated by only a single mention of a similar case in an adult patient in the literature.
The patient, three years old, had dilatation of the upper urinary tract that was detected antenatally. According to the postnatal ultrasound results at three months, the anterior-posterior size of the pelvis of the lower half of the left kidney was 13 mm, and the parenchyma of the left kidney was 11 mm. The child was followed up on an outpatient basis. There were no laboratory or clinical manifestations of urinary tract infection. Ultrasound monitoring revealed progression of dilatation of the pelvis of the lower half max up to 40 mm and thinning of the kidney parenchyma in the projection of the lower pole up to 7 mm, in connection with which the child successfully underwent antevasal ureteropyeloanastomosis of the lower half of a completely doubled kidney. The anterior-posterior size of the pelvis of the lower half after removal of the pyelostomy was 16 mm. The child did not have any clinical and laboratory disease manifestations in the postoperative period.
The described clinical case expands our understanding of the anatomy of obstruction of the pyeloureteral segment and hydronephrosis of the lower half of the duplex kidney. It enables us to plan surgical tactics, considering the possible intraoperative detection of the described anatomical configuration.