The subject. Financial relations between municipal entities represent a crucial mechanism for enhancing the efficiency of public service delivery in European countries. Collaborative efforts among municipalities can lead to cost savings and the utilization of economies of scale. This is particularly prominent in countries with a high number of small municipalities. This article aims to identify effective forms of financial activities among municipalities across various cooperation domains and assess the applicability of international experience in the context of the Russian Federation.Methodology. This study analyzes various organizational forms of inter-municipal cooperation, drawing insights from different countries, including Switzerland (associations of districts and cantons), Slovakia (joint municipal institutions, municipal associations, associations of legal entities), and France (syndicates and districts). Special attention is paid to the experience of inter-municipal cooperation in Slovakia, where it is not only a vital component of local government but also a tool for project management, often funded by external sources.The main results, scope of application. The analysis of international experience in inter-municipal cooperation reveals diverse organizational models, each tailored to specific local contexts. Based on this analysis, the authors propose amendments and enhancements to Russian legislation. Implementation of these suggestions could enhance the efficiency of interactions among Russian municipal entities, improve planning capabilities, enhance labor productivity, and optimize public service expenditure.Conclusions. Inter-municipal cooperation, as demonstrated by various international models, offers valuable insights for Russia. Adapting and implementing lessons from abroad can lead to improved governance and resource allocation, ultimately resulting in enhanced service delivery and cost-effectiveness for the benefit of the Russian population.