Importance. The problem of decreasing strength indicators in students is described. Insufficient use of strength exercises in the work with wrists and pre-shoulders in physical education classes in higher education institutions is revealed. Achieving of students optimal physical condition, increasing motor activity level, development of arm muscles and upper shoulder girdle strength abilities that solved through recreational aerobics are emphasized.
Research Methods. The students of the Derzhavin Tambov State University took part in the research. The measurement of muscle strength of the hands is carried out with a hand dynamometer, research of the level and development of static strength endurance is carried out with test for holding a medical ball weighing 2 kg in the outstretched hands.
Results and Discussion. The dynamometric measurements data of both right and left hands of junior women do not differ reliably from the results of senior women. The maximum strength of the women’s right arm is 25.11 kg and the left arm is 23.44 kg (p > 0.05). The average value in ball retention of the first year students is 85.31 s, the second year – 96.73 s, the third year – 112.62 s, the fourth year – 120.7 s. Comparison of the obtained test results shows a reliable improvement in the time of holding the ball in the outstretched hands among the senior students (p < 0.01). The obtained test values formed the basis of the scale for assessing the arms and upper shoulder girdle muscles static endurance development level of trainees.
Conclusion. The deficit of motor activity in students, most clearly manifested by the senior years of study, negatively affects the development of hand strength. The variety of hand movements used in the aerobic part of the recreational aerobics class, as well as work with muscles in static and dynamic modes in strength training, have a positive effect on increasing the static endurance of the hands and upper shoulder girdle muscles of students.