Conflito de interesses: NãoContribuição dos autores: IFP coleta, tabulação, delineamento do estudo e redação do manuscrito. LCF coleta, tabulação, delineamento do estudo e redação do manuscrito. RSMV orientação do projeto, delineamento do estudo e elaboração do manuscrito. PDSC discussão dos achados, etapas de execução e elaboração do manuscrito. DAF discussão dos achados, etapas de execução e elaboração do manuscrito. WDS orientação do projeto, delineamento do estudo e elaboração do manuscrito. Abstract Introduction: Depression in nursing professionals at a hospital setting has been a very relevant topic in research media due to possible impacts on the worker's psychic health. Objectives: Identify the levels of depression and medication usage in nursing professionals. Patients and Methods: This is a descriptive, quantitative, and transversal study. The sample consisted of 86 participants of both sexes, aged from 23 to 64 years (38.6 ± 8.8 years), under registered work contract and working, at least for one year in a hospital in the city of Montes Claros, Minas Gerais state. Beck Depression Inventory, containing 21 closed questions was used to assess depression levels. The test of Morisky and Green was used to access the degree of medication adherence and the individual's behavior. Results: The results showed a greater prevalence of female professionals (62.8%) and of married (51%). Data revealed that the majority (46.5%) of the professionals performed their activities at night shift. Regarding education, 58.1% have high school level/technical education. It was also evident that 59.3% of the individuals did not present depressive symptoms; 12.8% were classified with severe depression and were not drug users (70.9%). Conclusion: It is concluded that there is a significant percentage of professionals with depression symptoms, whether it is mild, moderate, or severe. In contrast, few professionals use drugs. The most common are analgesics, anti-inflammatories, poly vitamins, anxiolytics, antidepressants, and anti-ulcer agents.