As an alternative with potential connections to actual experiments, other than the systems more usually used in the field of entanglement, the dynamics of entropy correlation and entanglement between two anharmonic vibrations in a well-established algebraic model, with parameters extracted from fitting to highly excited spectral experimental results for molecules H2O and SO2, is studied in terms of the linear entropy and two negativities for various initial states that are respectively taken to be the mixed density matrices of thermal states and squeezed states on each mode. For a suitable parameter in initial states the entropies in two stretches can show positive correlation or anti-correlation. And the linear entropy of each mode is positively correlated with the negativities just for the mixed-squeezed states with small parameters in H2O while they do not display any correlation in other cases. For the mixed-squeezed states the negativities exhibit dominantly positive correlations with an effective mutual entropy. The differences in the linear entropy and the negativities between H2O and SO2 are discussed as well. Those are useful for molecular quantum computing and quantum information processing.