We study fermionic topological phases using the technique of fermion condensation. We give a prescription for performing fermion condensation in bosonic topological phases which contain a fermion. Our approach to fermion condensation can roughly be understood as coupling the parent bosonic topological phase to a phase of physical fermions, and condensing pairs of physical and emergent fermions. There are two distinct types of objects in the resulting fermionic fusion categories, which we call "m-type" and "q-type" objects. The endomorphism algebras of q-type objects are complex Clifford algebras, and they have no analogues in bosonic theories. We construct a fermionic generalization of the tube category, which allows us to compute the quasiparticle excitations arising from the condensed theories. We prove a series of results relating data in fermionic theories to data in their parent bosonic theories; for example, if C is a modular tensor category containing a fermion, then the tube category constructed from the condensed theory satisfies Tube(C/ψ) ∼ = C × (C/ψ). We also study how modular transformations, fusion rules, and coherence relations are modified in the fermionic setting, prove a fermionic version of the Verlinde dimension formula, construct a commuting projector lattice Hamiltonian for fermionic theories, and write down a fermionic version of the Turaev-Viro-Barrett-Westbury state sum. A large portion of this work is devoted to three detailed examples of performing fermion condensation to produce fermionic topological phases: we condense fermions in the Ising theory, the SO(3) 6 theory, and the 1 2 E 6 theory, and compute the quasiparticle excitation spectrum in each of the condensed theories. arXiv:1709.01941v2 [cond-mat.str-el]