We consider a version of random motion of hard core particles on the semi-lattice 1, 2, 3, . . ., where in each time instant one of three possible events occurs, viz., (a) a randomly chosen particle hops to a free neighboring site, (b) a particle is created at the origin (namely, at site 1) provided that site 1 is free and (c) a particle is eliminated at the origin (provided that the site 1 is occupied). Relations to the BKP equation are explained. Namely, the tau functions of two different BKP hierarchies provide generating functions respectively (I) for transition weights between different particle configurations and (II) for an important object: a normalization function which plays the role of the statistical sum for our non-equilibrium system. As an example we study a model where the hopping rate depends on two parameters (r and β). For time T → ∞ we obtain the asymptotic configuration of particles obtained from the initial empty state (the state without particles) and find an analog of the first order transition at β = 1.