Abstract. Etching of monocrystalline silicon in alkaline based solutions leads to a deep minimum in the etch rate crystallographically oriented along 111 . The details of the form of the minimum (angular dependence of the etch rate) are investigated and discussed in a framework of steps originating from spontaneous nucleation and from misorientation of the crystal face exposed to the etchant. As a result, the etch rate minimum is characterized by a narrow flat portion that reflects the density of nuclei, and the temperature dependence of the width has an activation energy equal to 1/3 of the nucleation barrier.This article deals with the dependence of the silicon etch rate close to the 111 orientation when etching in anisotropic etching solutions such as aqueous KOH and EDP ‡. In these solutions the etch rate is strongly dependent on the crystallographic orientation of the silicon single crystal, with absolute minima in 111 , and relative minima in 001 (aqueous KOH) and 110 (aqueous KOH saturated with isopropyl alcohol, IPA and EDP). An extensive discussion on experimental results can be found e.g. in [1]. The origin of the anisotropy is being debated in the literature. While many authors try to find explanations based on (electro-) chemical reactions of water or hydroxyl ions with the silicon surface for orientation dependent contributions [1][2][3][4], this author proposed to use models developed for the rate of crystal growth to find the origin of the anisotropy [5][6][7]. This view has consequences on some details of the etch rate diagram (i.e. the variation of the etch rate with the crystallographic orientation) that will be explored here and compared to experimental data taken from the literature. In our view, understanding the anisotropy of the etch rate of silicon (and other singlecrystalline materials, such as quartz and GaAs) is not only interesting from a scientific point of view, but also for the development of micromachining. Wet chemical etching is a key technology for micromachining because it allows fast, precise and reproducible shaping of mechanical microcomponents such as numerous sensors for pressure, force, acceleration, flow, temperature and concentration of chemicals, actuators like pumps, valves, switches and microstructures such as microsieves, canals and nozzles. The major volume is currently being fabricated in research † email: m.elwenspoek@eltn.utwente.nl ‡ Ethylenediamine, pyrocathecol and water mixtures, occasionally with traces of pyridine.laboratories, but scaling up to mass production makes perfect control of the technology necessary, which is very difficult to achieve if the origin of a prominent and important property of the etching-the anisotropy-is not understood. This is a quite formidable task, and this paper will contribute a step towards executing to it.Starting with a short outline of the crystal growth view on wet chemical anisotropic etching, we focus on the kinetics of steps on misoriented flat crystal faces. We have found that there are two competing mechanisms for ...