ReceivedWe examine the ground state of a Heisenberg model with arbitrary spin S on a one-dimensional lattice composed of diamond-shaped units. A unit includes two types of antiferromagnetic exchange interactions which frustrate each other. The system undergoes phase changes when the ratio λ between the exchange parameters varies. In some phases, strong frustration leads to larger local structures or clusters of spins than a dimer. We prove for arbitrary S that there exists a phase with four-spin cluster states, which was previously found numerically for a special value of λ in the S = 1/2 case. For S = 1/2 we show that there are three ground state phases and determine their boundaries.PACS numbers: 75.10.Jm, 75.50.Gg Effects of frustration in quantum antiferromagnets are of great current interest in solid state physics. In a classical system, strong frustration obstructs a simple antiferromagnetic (AF) ordering and produces another magnetic order characteristic of each system, e.g. the 120• structure or a spiral [1]. In a quantum system, the interplay of quantum fluctuations and frustration makes the situation more complicated. There may appear an exotic ground state which does not have magnetic order and has no classical analog. A typical example is the complete dimer state in the Majumdar-Ghosh (MG) model [2].There are two types of frustrated quantum spin systems. One is a system the classical version of which has a locally stable spin configuration in the ground state; i.e. any local deformation for a spin configuration always raises the energy. We say that such a system is elastic. The MG model, the model with linearly decreasing AF interactions [3,4] and the AF Heisenberg model on the triangular lattice are of this type. For the other type, the classical version of a system has ground-state spin configurations which can be locally deformed without raising the energy. Then the set of these configurations is a manifold with dimensions proportional to the system size. We say that a system of this type is floppy. The AF Heisenberg models on the ∆ chain [5], the double chain with diagonal interaction [6] and the kagomé lattice [7] are of this type. Some other floppy spin systems are also seen in [3].Specially interesting is floppy systems. For example, it is argued that the kagomé antiferromagnet has a mysterious peak in a low temperature part of the specific heat [7]. In spite of quite a few theoretical studies on this system, its quantum ground state and the low temperature thermodynamic properties are hardly clarified. The difficulty of the problem originates from the floppiness. In a classical floppy system, the configuration of a local set of spins can be deformed without affecting the other part. In the corresponding quantum system the local set may form a nearly closed state, or a cluster. A part surrounded by such clusters forms another cluster. Thus the total wave function becomes approximately of a direct product form. To confirm this picture, it is important to examine a simple floppy model in whi...