Hall effect measurements were performed under pressure and magnetic field up to 2.2 GPa and 16 T on a single crystal of UCoAl. At ambient pressure, the system undergoes a first order metamagnetic transition at the critical field Bm = 0.7 T from a paramagnetic ground state to a field-induced ferromagnetic state. The Hall signal is linear at low field and shows a step-like anomaly at the transition, with only little change of the Hall coefficient. The anomaly is sharpest at the temperature of the critical end point T0 = 12 K above which the first order metamagnetic transition becomes a crossover. Under pressure Bm increases and T0 decreases. The step-like anomaly in the Hall effect disappears at PM ≈ 1.3 GPa and the metamagnetic transition is not detected above the quantum critical end point (QCEP) at P∆ ≈ 1.7 GPa, Bm ≈ 7 T. Using magnetization data, we analyse our Hall resistivity data at ambient pressure in order to quantitatively account for both ordinary and anomalous contributions to the Hall effect. Under pressure, a drastic change in the field dependence of the Hall coefficient is found on crossing the QCEP. A possible Fermi surface change at Bm remains an open question.KEYWORDS: quantum critical end point, anomalous Hall effect, metamagnetism, ferromagnetism, UCoAl
IntroductionThe metamagnetism in strongly correlated electron systems with Ising-type ferromagnetic (FM) behaviour is intensively studied because it produces a variety of unconventional effects. In some itinerant ferromagnets, such as UGe 2 1, 2 or ZrZn 2 , 3 one can drive the Curie temperature T C to 0 K by tuning an external control parameter like pressure, and the ground state is found to be paramagnetic (PM) above the quantum critical point (QCP). In theory, it has been suggested -and in some cases experimentally shown -that the second order ferromagnetic transition changes to first order at a tricritical point. 4 By applying a magnetic field above the critical point in the paramagnetic phase, such systems eventually recover their ferromagnetic state by undergoing a first-order metamagnetic transition at B m , drawing a wing-shape first order transition plane in the temperature (T ) -pressure (P ) -field (B) phase diagram. The first order transition terminates at high pressure and high field at T = 0 at the so-called quantum critical end point (QCEP). In this critical region, only few experiments were carried out because of the severe experimental conditions of low temperature, high pressure, and high field. [1][2][3]5 Due to the recent focus on quantum criticality, the metamagnetism in itinerant ferromagnets has been recently revisited theoretically (see e.g. Ref. 6,7). The main debate is whether a Lifshitz-like transition is associated with the occurence of metamagnetism.A good candidate to investigate itinerant metamagnetism is the heavy fermion compound UCoAl, with ZrNiAl-type hexagonal structure, space group P62m. At ambient pressure, its ground state is paramagnetic, with strong uniaxial magnetic anisotropy. By applying mag-