Since 1997, the design of fastenings for anchoring in concrete has been regulated at European level by Annex C of the European Technical Approval Guideline and the subsequently published, supporting and referenced “Technical Report” TR029 and TR045 or by the pre-standard series CEN/TS 1992-4. The new EN 1992-4 standard, which is published in 2017 and has been formally accepted by the CEN members in the voting process. It summarizes the existing design rules while taking into account state of the art and applies to all main fasteners used in construction engineering. It is far more comprehensive in terms of the fastening systems it covers, and the load conditions it takes into consideration. Consequently, it represents an important and necessary step in harmonizing the design of fasteners for use in concrete. The following paper briefly presents the contents of the new European Standard EN 1992-4 “Design of fasteners for use in concrete” and the major changes that have been introduced compared to CEN/TS 1992-4 and ETAG 001, Annex C.
There is an added chapter regarding “post-installed rebar anchorage length”, which is cover by new EN1991-1-1. This application is used for design of rigid connection between concrete members.