Let P be a semigroup that admits an embedding into a group G. Assume that the embedding satisfies the Toeplitz condition of [24] and that the Baum-Connes conjecture holds for G. We prove a formula describing the Ktheory of the reduced crossed product A ⋊α,r P by any automorphic action of P . This formula is obtained as a consequence of a result on the K-theory of crossed products for special actions of G on totally disconnected spaces. We apply our result to various examples including left Ore semigroups and quasilattice ordered semigroups. We also use the results to show that for certain semigroups P , including the ax + b-semigroup R ⋊ R × for a Dedekind domain R, the K-theory of the left and right regular semigroup C*-algebras C * λ (P ) and C * ρ (P ) coincide, although the structure of these algebras can be very different.
Preliminaries on totally disconnected spacesRecall that a locally compact Hausdorff space Ω is totally disconnected if and only if its topology has a basis of compact open subsets. The corresponding algebras C 0 (Ω) of continuous functions which vanish at infinity are precisely the commutative AF-Algebras. In what follows, if V ⊆ Ω, then 1 V : Ω → C denotes the characteristic function of V . Definition 2.1. Let Ω be a totally disconnected locally compact Hausdorff space and let V be a family of compact open subsets in Ω. Moreover, let U c (Ω) denote the set of all compact open subsets of Ω. Then we say that V is a generating family of the compact open sets of Ω if U c (Ω) coincides with the smallest family U of compact open sets in Ω which contains V and which is closed under finite intersections, finite unions, and under taking differences U W with U, W ∈ U . Lemma 2.2. Suppose that V is a family of compact open sets in the totally disconnected space Ω. Then the following are equivalent (1) The set {1 V : V ∈ V} generates C 0 (Ω) as a C*-algebra. (2) The set V generates U c (Ω) in the sense of Definition 2.1. Moreover, if V is closed under taking finite intersections, then (1) and (2) are equivalent to(3) span{1 V : V ∈ V} is a dense subalgebra of C 0 (Ω) containing span{1 U : U ∈ U c (Ω)}.