We report first evidence in support of chaotic stimulated Brillouin scattering under cw pump conditions involving a single Stokes and pump signal. A single-mode optical fiber is used as the nonlinear medium. The inclusion of external optical feedback modifies the form of the chaotic dynamics and results in a rich variety of classifiable precursor dynamical features. PACS numbers: 42.65.Es, 05.45.+b, 42.10.Hc, Pulsating instabilities and chaos are of current interest throughout physics and, in particular, quantum optics. While observations of these phenomena are now extensive in systems with external optical feedback, notably lasers, 1 passive bistable systems, 2 and to a lesser extent systems with counterpropagating pump beams, 3 there are few if any reports 4 of such behavior in nonlinear processes for which this restriction is lifted. In this paper we consider stimulated scattering phenomena and provide, to our knowledge, first evidence indicative of chaotic dynamics in one of these basic processes, namely, stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS). A single-mode optical fiber is used to generate SBS under cw singlemode pump conditions, 5 resulting in first-order Stokes emission only. We find both the transmitted pump and backscattered SBS to exhibit chaotic behavior under all operating conditions investigated, including those close to the threshold for SBS; the SBS exhibits massive instabilities with modulation depths -100%.The few reports to date, mainly theoretical, on the dynamics 6 " 14 of SBS principally concern the generation of instabilities, usually limit-cycle behavior, through more complex interactions involving either more than one pump beam, 12,13 external cavity feedback, 9 " 11 and/or higher-order Stokes-anti-Stokes generation. 12 Experimental findings, often in regard to plasma interaction, 10,12 have been constrained to short-pump-pulse exciposing limitations to quantitative statements tation, 7,10,13 of long-term dynamical behavior; an exception being the observation of limit-cycle behavior in fibers with external optical feedback.'' Of the theoretical contributions, an exception is the analytical findings of Blaha et al. ,4 providing evidence of unstable behavior in SBS involving a single pump and Stokes signal in a semi-infinite medium. Our experimental arrangement is schematically shown in Fig. 1. The cw emission of a single-mode argon-ion laser at 514.5 nm, with an instantaneous (:<1 msec) linewidth of -15 kHz (Coherent Innova 100) was used as a pump source providing variable output power stabilized to ±2%. Two 10 x microscope objectives L\ and Li, were used to couple the light into and out of the optical fiber, respectively. The fiber comprised a pure SiC>2 core of diameter 4.8 /xm with a B2C>3-doped SiC>2 cladding. It was optically isolated from the argon laser using a Faraday isolator (OFR Model IO-5-532) giving an isolation factor of 35 dB between them. The pump signal and backscattered signal, comprising the SBS signal together with residual scatter, were sampled via the beam splitter in ...