The performance of a photorefractive polymer composite sensitized by 1-hexadecylamine capped CdSe nanoparticles is reported. The polymer composite also comprises the charge transporting matrix poly(N-vinylcarbazole) and the electro-optic chromophore 1-(2-ethylhexyloxy)-2,5-dimethyl-4-(4-nitrophenylazo) benzene. At an applied field of 70 V mm À1 two beam coupling gain of 13.2 cm À1 was observed, confirming the photorefractive nature of the induced grating. At the same field, a holographic contrast of 9:12 Â 10 À4 AE 6 Â 10 À6 , a photorefractive sensitivity of 5:1 Â 10 À4 AE 0:2 Â 10 À4 cm 3 J À1 and a space-charge field rise time of 13 AE 1 s were obtained.