This report is the first in a series of Electrification Futures Study (EFS) publications. The EFS is a multi-year research project to explore widespread electrification in the future energy system of the United States. More specifically, the EFS is designed to examine electric technology advancement and adoption for end uses in all major economic sectors as well as electricity consumption growth and load profiles, future power system infrastructure development and operations, and the economic and environmental implications of widespread electrification. Because of the expansive scope and the multi-year duration of the study, research findings and supporting data will be published as a series of reports, with each report released on its own timeframe. The table below shows the various research topics planned for examination under the EFS and how this report fits with the other components of the study.
Topic Relation to this Report
Electric technology cost and performance projections Presented in this reportElectrification demand-side adoption scenarios Energy and electricity use estimates rely on technology efficiencies presented in this report.Electric system supply-side scenarios Indirect relation from consumption results
Electricity consumption patternsElectricity usage amounts and spatiotemporal patterns rely on technology characteristics presented in this report.
Electric system operations Indirect relation from consumption resultsImpacts assessment Household and system cost estimates rely on technology projections presented in this report.This report provides projected cost and performance assumptions for electric technologies considered in the EFS. The study scope includes direct electric technologies that could meet future end-use service demands in all major economic sectors-transportation, residential and commercial buildings, and industry-for the contiguous United States through 2050. The report characterizes the technology projections that will be used in future EFS scenario analysis reports to provide cost, energy use, electricity use, and electric load profiles. The technology data reported here do not reflect predictions; instead, they are designed to cover a wide but plausible range of cost and performance improvements given the significant uncertainties in technology advancement over multiple decades. In addition to providing the foundational data for the EFS analysis, the report is intended to be of interest to other analysts and researchers who wish to assess electrification and electric technologies.More information, the supporting data associated with this report, links to other reports in the EFS series, and information about the broader study are available at