Reports of world-wide decline of pollinators, and of bees in particular, raise increasing concerns about maintenance of pollination interactions. While local factors of bee decline are relatively well known and potential mitigation strategies at the landscape scale have been outlined, the regional and continental-scale threats to bee diversity have only been marginally explored. Here we document large-scale spatial patterns for a representative bee subfamily, the determinants of its species richness, and assess major threats to these pollinators. Using a comprehensive global dataset of Colletinae (genera Colletes, also called ''polyester'' or ''cellophane'' bees for their underground nests lined with a polyester secretion, and Mourecotelles), a species-rich subfamily whose organismal and physiological ecology is representative of many bees, we measured species richness and endemism on global to continental scales. We explored the relationships between bee species richness and potential environmental stress factors grouped into three categories: contemporary climate, habitat heterogeneity, and anthropogenic pressure. Bees of the subfamily Colletinae demonstrate the reversed latitudinal gradient in species richness and endemism suggested for bees; the highest species richness of Colletinae was found between 30°and 50°latitude in both the northern and southern hemispheres. Centres of endemism largely overlapped with those of species richness. The importance of the Greater Cape Floristic Region, previously identified as a centre of richness and endemism of bees,
123Biodivers Conserv (2018Conserv ( ) 27:287-309 ( /s10531-017-1432 was confirmed for Colletinae. On the global scale, present-day climate was a significant predictor of species richness as was flowering plant diversity represented by vascular plant species richness and centres of plant diversity. Our main conclusion is that climate change constitutes a potential threat to bee diversity, as does declining diversity of vascular plants. However, a significant overlap between centres of bee richness and plant diversity might increase chances for developing conservation strategies.