A 16S rDNA‐based polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method was used to detect the occurrence of Treponema denticola in root canals.
Samples were collected from 54 single‐rooted teeth having carious lesions and necrotic pulps. DNA extracted from the samples was amplified using the PCR assay, which yielded a specific fragment of T. denticola 16S rDNA.
T. denticola was detected in 10 of 29 asymptomatic cases (34.5%), eight of 15 root canals that were tender to percussion (53.3%), and five of 10 teeth with acute periradicular abscess (50%). In general, T. denticola was found in 23 of 54 cases (42.6%).
Findings suggest that T. denticola can be involved in the pathogenesis of periradicular lesions of endodontic origin.