Abstract:The base of the world income pyramid, generally called the 'Base of the Pyramid' (BoP), consists of four billion people with average per day income of less than four dollars. Over the past several years, the design and development of products and services at the BoP (BoP people as producers and consumers as well) has been investigated by several authors from different disciplines. A literature review showed that the issues (i.e. constraints) in designing and developing products and services at the BoP and ingredients of solutions addressing these issues have not been synthesised. Furthermore, quantitative findings on these issues and solution-ingredients are lacking. This paper addresses these gaps by pulling together the issues and solutioningredients in the BoP from the reviewed literature and comparing these with a large study found in this literature. In addition, through the analysis of the data available in this large study, we extracted some quantitative findings on these issues and solution-ingredients, and identified relationships between them. We have discussed the practical implications of these findings. This study adds to the growing body of literature on the sustainable development at the BoP.Keywords: BoP; Base of the Pyramid; poverty; sustainable development; design and development; products and services; issues; solutions.Reference to this paper should be made as follows: Jagtap, S., Larsson, A. and Andreas Larsson is an Associate Professor at the Department of Design Sciences at Lund University, where he is heading the Innovation Engineering Group. His research agenda aims to create a rich blend of needs-motivated activities dealing, among other things, with cross-functional knowledge sharing, local and distributed teamwork, and participatory innovation. These interests can be summarised in the overarching aim to support product developing individuals, teams and organisations in effectively and efficiently co-creating and sharing ideas and knowledge across a wide range of boundaries (i.e. teams, organisations, cultures, languages, time zones, etc.) in the pursuit of innovation.