The development of higher education in Indonesia, especially private universities, is very dependent on the ability to obtain funding sources and manage them so that they can meet financial needs and various other needs. The main source of funding for private universities is tuition fees charged to students and supported by other sources of income such as research grants, further study grants, university management grants, donations from various institutions in the form of scholarships, donations, and the results of expertise services in the form of training, seminars, researches, laboratory activities and several other activities. So important is the management of funds in private universities to carry out the activities of The Threefold Missions of Higher Education (Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi) and the sustainability of the program, a good financial management system is needed. In general, there are 10 principles that must be considered in financial management. This paper discusses good and sustainable financial management strategies for private universities by referring to the 10 principles of financial management and other operational supporting regulations. The method of discussion uses descriptive methods accompanied by examples of cases and analysis. Based on the discussion that has been done, the results show that innovation and creativity in the financial management of private universities can improve the reputation, performance, and sustainability of higher education. This result will be one of the references in the next development.