Both Russia and Croatia are the great seafaring nations with glorious past, complicated present and, hopefully, a rewarding future. The countries that historically had long sea borders are almost destined to become the global shipbuilding centres. Since the ancient times, the marine shipping routes have connected the most distant nations, countries and entire continents through trade and economic relations. At the same time, the high seas were also a place for the constant battles between the fl eets of the major seafaring nations. Thus, both civil and naval shipbuilding was and will always be of utmost importance for any country with a sea access. The product of this industry stays in demand at any time and under any circumstances-both during the periods of growth and the times of crises. The shipbuilding is subject to the same kind of diffi culties as the economy as a whole, but due to the technological specifi cs of this industry it has some additional specifi c problems. This article deals with the comparative analysis of the recent and current state of the shipbuilding industries of Croatia and Russia. We tried to fi nd out the problems that are similar for the shipbuilding industries of both countries, as well as their national particularities. The main diffi culty for the comparative analysis was the fact that while the major part of the Croatian shipbuilding is civil, the Russian industry is predominantly naval. However, it does not preclude the existence of common problems, for the research of which the comparative analysis could be a useful tool. Sažetak I Rusija i Hrvatska poznate su pomorske zemlje sa slavnom pomorskom tradicijom, složenim okolnostima u današnjim vremenima i, nadajmo se, budućnošću koja obećava. Zemlje koje imaju dugu obalu gotovo neizbježno postaju svjetska središta brodogradnje. Od davnih su vremena putovi prijevoza morem povezivali najudaljenije narode, zemlje i cijele kontinente s pomoću trgovine i ekonomskih odnosa. Istovremeno, oceani su predstavljali mjesta stalnih sukoba između fl ota najvećih pomorskih nacija. Stoga je i civilna i ratna brodogradnja bila i bit će uvijek najznačajnija za svaku zemlju koja ima izlaz na more. Uvijek postoji potražnja za proizvodima ove industrije-i u vrijeme rasta i u vrijeme krize. Brodogradnja je izložena jednakim problemima kao i ekonomija u cjelini, ali zbog svojih tehnoloških posebnosti ova industrija ima dodatne specifi čne probleme. U ovome radu daje se komparativna analiza stanja brodograđevnih industrija u Hrvatskoj i Rusiji kakve su bile u posljednje vrijeme i kakve su danas. Pokušalo se otkriti probleme u brodograđevnoj industriji koji su slični u objema zemljama, kao i različitosti. Najveća prepreka u komparativnoj analizi bila je činjenica da je većina brodogradnje u Hrvatskoj za civilne potrebe, dok je u Rusiji pretežito za vojne potrebe. Međutim, time se ne isključuju zajednički problemi, a ova komparativna analiza može poslužiti boljem istraživanju tih problema. KEY WORDS civil shipbuilding military shipbuilding branch problems s...