We report a reaction platform for the synthesis of three different high-value specialty chemical building blocks starting from bio-ethanol, which might have an important impact in the implementation of biorefineries. First, oxidative dehydrogenation of ethanol to acetaldehyde generates an aldehyde-containing stream active for the production of C 4 aldehydes via base-catalyzed aldol-condensation. Then, the resulting C 4 adduct is selectively converted into crotonic acid via catalytic aerobic oxidation (62 % yield). Using a sequential epoxidation and hydrogenation of crotonic acid leads to 29 % yield of b-hydroxy acid (3-hydroxybutanoic acid). By controlling the pH of the reaction media, it is possible to hydrolyze the oxirane moiety leading to 21 % yield of a,b-dihydroxy acid (2,3-dihydroxybutanoic acid). Crotonic acid, 3-hydroxybutanoic acid, and 2,3-dihydroxybutanoic acid are archetypal specialty chemicals used in the synthesis of polyvinyl-counsaturated acids resins, pharmaceutics, and bio-degradable/ -compatible polymers, respectively.Polymers play a key role in the creation of a myriad of materials that have contributed to the development of our modern society. The current use of plastics, however, is not sustainable in the long term due to its dependence on non-renewable fossil fuels and the environmental pollution caused by plastic waste. [1] This dilemma has triggered intensive research in the development of environmentally friendly and sustainable bio-based and biodegradable polymers. [2] Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) are a class of biodegradable isotactic polymers synthesized by bacteria. [3] Until now, these family of polymer building blocks have been synthesized using genetically modified micro-organisms or enzymes. [4] However, the production cost of PHAs is nearly four times larger than its petroleum-based counterparts (circa PHAs [5] and polypropylene [6] prices are 5-6 and 1-2 $/kg, respectively). This is due to the high cost of raw materials, low conversion rates, the complex purification of the fermentation broths, and the large amounts of biomass waste generated (circa 5 kg of raw material per 1 kg of product), and low conversion rates. [7] Catalytic conversion routes of biomass-derived feedstocks to short b-hydroxy acids (e.g. lactic acid) have shown higher productivities and atom-efficiency at industrially relevant operating conditions, [8] but their application has been limited to short chain (C 3 ) molecules. Inspired by nature, we have developed a new catalytic cascade process that mimics the step-wise coupling of C 2 units that occur during the biosynthesis of PHA in bacteria. Accordingly, we have used basecatalyzed aldol-condensation followed by tandem oxidation, epoxidation and hydrogenation or hydration (Scheme 1). This catalytic cascade route has allowed us to generate mediumchain a,b-unsaturated acids (crotonic acid), a,b-dihydroxy acids (2,3-dihydroxybutanoic acid), and b-hydroxy acids (3hydroxybutyric acid), which are emerging specialty chemicals and building blocks.The process of co...