We investigate theoretically the dynamics of a Josephson junction in the framework of the resistively shunted junction model. We consider a junction that hosts two supercurrent contributions: a 2π and a 4π periodic in phase, with intensities I 2π and I 4π , respectively. We study the size of the Shapiro steps as a function of the ratio of the intensity of the mentioned contributions, i.e., I 4π /I 2π . We provide detailed explanations where to expect clear signatures of the presence of the 4π -periodic contribution as a function of the external parameters: the intensity ac bias I ac and frequency ω ac . On the one hand, in the low ac-intensity regime (where I ac is much smaller than the critical current I c ), we find that the nonlinear dynamics of the junction allows the observation of only even Shapiro steps even in the unfavorable situation where I 4π /I 2π 1. On the other hand, in the opposite limit (I ac I c ), even and odd Shapiro steps are present. Nevertheless, even in this regime, we find signatures of the 4π supercurrent in the beating pattern of the even step sizes as a function of I ac .