The mode matching technique is employed frequently in formulating discontinuity problems in isotropic waveguides. An example of this procedure appears in the work of Hurd and Gruenberg who have solved the problem of a bifurcated waveguide. They derive two doubly infinite sets of equations by using the continuity of the interface electrical and magnetic fields, respectively. The final equation for the large waveguide mode coefficients is obtained by subsequent elimination of the unknown mode coefficients of the smaller guides from the first two sets. A key step in this two‐step method of formulation involves the Fourier analysis of the fields using orthogonal mode functions as the basis. In the anisotropic version of the same problem, which is considered in this paper, it is observed that the conventional procedure does not lead to a convenient form. This is a consequence of the fact that the anisotropic guide modes are no longer orthogonal. It is shown that by using biorthogonality relationships introduced by Bresler and others, it is possible to derive a set of equations in the desirable form for the anisotropic case as well.
An interesting observation about the procedure is that the matching of interface tangential electric and magnetic fields is carried out in a simultaneous manner, and hence, the final equations are obtained in a one‐step process as opposed to the two‐step procedure conventionally followed in the isotropic case. The paper discusses the solution of the infinite set of equations appropriate to the anisotropic case and compares it with the Wiener‐Hopf solution derived elsewhere.