Abstract. We complete the study of finite and profinite groups admitting an action by an elementary abelian group under which the centralizers of automorphisms consist of Engel elements. In particular, we prove the following theorems.Let q be a prime and A an elementary abelian q-group of order at least q 2 acting coprimely on a profinite group G. Assume that all elements in C G (a) are Engel in G for each a ∈ A # . Then G is locally nilpotent (Theorem B2).Let q be a prime, n a positive integer and A an elementary abelian group of order q 3 acting coprimely on a finite group G. Assume that for each a ∈ A # every element of C G (a) is n-Engel in C G (a). Then the group G is k-Engel for some {n, q}-bounded number k (Theorem A3).