This research aims to optimize the weight of already existing fire extinguishers containing Carbon Dioxide as per BIS standards IS 2190: 2010 and IS 7285-1: 2004. In the paper, an optimized and new design is proposed to minimize the weight of the pressure vessel making it easier to store in smaller compartments and also allowing faster hand-held use during an emergency. The weight has been reduced substantially by using proposed materials and FEA simulations were performed on the model to check for failures under the set test conditions with the aim to minimize the volume of metal used that is able to withstand the hydrostatic load of pressure gas. ANSYS Mechanical 18.2 was used for performing 3d pressure analysis while the model was designed on Solidworks 2016. A Multi Frontal Direct Solver was preferred to reach the solutions in every case. The analysis results of all the materials were compared and finally, a material was selected that was tough enough to clear the safety standards and extremely light so that even old people could use it without any issues. A simple shell of Titanium Grade-5 Alloy was found to be the proper and optimal choice to obtain good mechanical properties and lightweight.