There are 32,000 children with disabilities in Kyrgyzstan, including 7,000 who have cerebral palsy (CP), according to 2022 data. In the southern region of
the country, there is only one rehabilitation center for children with disabilities, which forces parents of children with CP to seek treatment at hospitals.
The medical records of patients with CP treated at the Osh Interregional Children's Clinical Hospital (OICCH), Kyrgyzstan, have not yet been studied.
Objective: To describe the clinical and demographic characteristics of children with CP who underwent inpatient treatment at the OICCH.
Methods: A comparative analysis was conducted to examine the medical history and condition of 160 children diagnosed with CP who underwent
inpatient treatment at the OICCH in 2022.
Results: The study found that more than half of the patients who were hospitalized for CP at the OICCH were children aged 1 to 5 years. During the
study period, the number of hospitalizations for girls with motor disorders was lower than that for boys. The research also examined the causes of CP
by analyzing survey data and records. The main etiological factors contributing to CP included preeclampsia, birth asphyxia, and viral upper respiratory
infection (URI). Among the hospitalized patients, there was a predominance of clinical cases of hemiparesis and diplegia.
Conclusion: The study revealed that many patients with CP seek treatment at the OICCH. This finding underscores the urgent need to establish
rehabilitation centers or specialized departments in the Osh region of the Kyrgyz Republic.
Keywords: Cerebral palsy, birth asphyxia, hemiparesis, hemiplegia, diplegia, convulsions, paraparesis, encephalopathy.