The e¤ects of data uncertainty on real-time decision-making can be reduced by predicting data revisions to US GDP growth. We show that survey forecasts e¢ ciently predict the revision implicit in the second estimate of GDP growth, but that forecasting models incorporating monthly economic indicators and daily equity returns provide superior forecasts of the data revision implied by the release of the third estimate. We use forecasting models to measure the impact of surprises in GDP announcements on equity markets, and to analyse the e¤ects of anticipated future revisions on announcement-day returns. We show that the publication of better than expected third-release GDP …gures provides a boost to equity markets, and if future upward revisions are expected, the e¤ects are enhanced during recessions
Predicting Early Data Revisions to US GDP and the E¤ects of Releases on Equity MarketsThe e¤ects of data uncertainty on real-time decision-making can be reduced by predicting data revisions to US GDP growth. We show that survey forecasts e¢ ciently predict the revision implicit in the second estimate of GDP growth, but that forecasting models incorporating monthly economic indicators and daily equity returns provide superior forecasts of the data revision implied by the release of the third estimate. We use forecasting models to measure the impact of surprises in GDP announcements on equity markets, and to analyse the e¤ects of anticipated future revisions on announcement-day returns. We show that the publication of better than expected third-release GDP …gures provides a boost to equity markets, and if future upward revisions are expected, the e¤ects are enhanced during recessions.