CP violation in top physics is reviewed. The Standard Model has negligible effects, consequently CP violation searches involving the top quark may constitute the best way to look for physics beyond the Standard Model. Non-standard sources of CP violation due to an extended Higgs sector with and without natural flavor conservation and supersymmetric theories are discussed. Experimental feasibility of detecting CP violation effects in top quark production and decays in high energy e + e − , γγ, µ + µ − , pp and pp colliders are surveyed. Searches for the electric, electro-weak and the chromo-electric dipole moments of the top quark in e + e − → tt and in pp → ttX are descibed. In addition, other mechanisms that appear promising for experiments, e.g., tree-level CP violation in e + e − → tth, ttZ, ttν eνe and in the top decay t → bτ ν τ and CP violation driven by s-channel Higgs exchanges in pp, γγ, µ + µ − → tt etc., are also discussed. * A 2-up version of this postscript file may be obtained at the url