Potato yellow vein virus (PYVV) is the causal agent of the potato yellow vein disease and can reduce potato production up to 50%. This virus also infects tomatoes and can remain asymptomatic in plants. PYVV transmission is mediated by vegetative seed, the vector Trialeurodes vaporariorum, and grafts. Its genome has the P26 and P10 genes that are orthologues in the Crinivirus genus, which have been characterized as pathogenic factors and have not been studied in PYVV. We analyzed the variability of P26 and P10 from 45 and 48 sequences, which were obtained by RT-PCR amplification of the total RNA of symptomatic potato leaves from the provinces of Nariño, Cundinamarca, and Boyaca (Colombia). We included sequences of each gene of the PYVV genome of potato and tomato isolates from GenBank. The variability in these genes is influenced by the flow and uncontrolled use of vegetative seed between different provinces, that favor the dispersion of viral variants. In addition, the variability analysis based on maximum likelihood trees, haplotypes, and diversity indices showed that P26 is more variable than P10 and both are more variable in Andigena than in Phureja potatoes. The Tajima and Fu and Li tests revealedthat these genes are subject to negative selection.