Fluctuation-induced forces occur generically when long-ranged correlations (e.g., in fluids) are confined by external bodies. In classical systems, such correlations require specific conditions, e.g., a medium close to a critical point. On the other hand, long-ranged correlations appear more commonly in certain non-equilibrium systems with conservation laws. Consequently, a variety of non-equilibrium fluctuation phenomena, including fluctuation-induced forces, have been discovered and explored recently. Here, we address a long-standing problem of non-equilibrium critical Casimir forces emerging after a quench to the critical point in a confined fluid with order-parameterconserving dynamics and non-symmetry-breaking boundary conditions. The interplay of inherent (critical) fluctuations and dynamical non-local effects (due to density conservation) gives rise to striking features, including correlation functions and forces exhibiting oscillatory time-dependences. Complex transient regimes arise, depending on initial conditions and the geometry of the confinement. Our findings pave the way for exploring a wealth of non-equilibrium processes in critical fluids (e.g., fluctuation-mediated self-assembly or aggregation). In certain regimes, our results are applicable to active matter. * gross@is.mpg.de arXiv:1905.00269v2 [cond-mat.stat-mech]