The electronic structure of Pb/Ge͑111͒ has been probed along the temperature-induced phase transition ␣ Ϫͱ3ϫͱ3R30°⇒3ϫ3 using angle-resolved photoemission. The ␣Ϫͱ3ϫͱ3R30°phase is metallic due to the existence of a half-filled, dispersing surface band. The 3ϫ3 phase is characterized by the appearance of an additional surface band with 3ϫ3 periodicity, whose role in the phase transition is discussed. The Fermisurface topology of the ␣Ϫͱ3ϫͱ3R30°phase has been probed using angle-resolved photoemission. Its shape is undulated, and it resembles strongly the theoretical prediction, with a Fermi momentum of 0.31 Å Ϫ1 along ⌫K directions and 0.40 Å Ϫ1 along ⌫M directions. These values were determined from different experimental methods, and agree with the values needed for a perfect 3ϫ3 nesting. However, the Fermi surface exhibits no large flat areas suitable for electronic nesting.