We describe dentognathic remains of four individuals of the poorly known mustelid Circamustela Petter, 1967 from the late Miocene sites of Batallones-3 and 5 (MN10, Torrejon de Velasco, Madrid, Spain). These new fossils allow us to describe Circamustela peignei n. sp., a more primitive species than Circamustela dechaseauxi Petter, 1967 from Can Llobateres (MN9, Vallès Penedès Basin, Spain). Circamustela peignei n. sp. shows, among other features, an M1 with a more developed metacone, a smaller metastylar area, a mesially located protocone, and a more developed m1 metaconid compared to that of C. dechaseauxi. The new taxon differs from most Euroasian Miocene marten-like mustelids, such as the middle Miocene martens "Martes"