Virus discovery based on high-throughput sequencing relies on enrichment for
virus sequences prior to library preparation to achieve a sufficient number of
viral reads. In general, preparations of double-stranded RNA or total RNA
preparations treated to remove rRNA are used for sequence enrichment. We used
virus-specific antibodies to immunocapture virions from plant sap to conduct
cDNA synthesis, followed by library preparation and HTS. For the four potato
viruses PLRV, PVY, PVA and PYV, template preparation by virion immunocapture
provided a simpler and less expensive method than the enrichment of total RNA by
ribosomal depletion. Specific enrichment of viral sequences without an
intermediate amplification step was achieved, and this high coverage of
sequences across the viral genomes was important to identify rare sequence
variations. Using this approach, the first complete genome sequence of a potato
yellowing virus isolate (PYV, DSMZ PV-0706) was determined in this study. PYV
can be confidently assigned as a distinct species in the genus