Mirror energy differences (MED) and triplet energy differences (TED) in the T = 1 analogue states are important probes of isospin-symmetry breaking. Inspired by the recent spectroscopic data of 66 Se, we investigate these quantities for A = 66 − 78 nuclei with large-scale shell-model calculations. For the first time, we find clear evidences suggesting that the isospin nonconserving (INC) nuclear force has a significant effect for the upper f p shell region. Detailed analysis shows that in addition to the INC force, the electromagnetic spin-orbit interaction plays an important role for the large, negative MED in A = 66 and 70 and the multipole Coulomb term contributes to the negative TED in all the T = 1 triplet nuclei. The INC force and its strength needed to reproduce the experimental data are compared with those from the G-matrix calculation using the modern charge-dependent nucleon-nucleon forces.PACS numbers: 21.10. Sf, 21.30.Fe, 21.60.Cs, 27.50.+e The impact of the Wigner's elegant concept, the isospin symmetry [1], is maximal near the N = Z line where nuclei have equal numbers of neutrons and protons. Breaking of this symmetry is generally attributed to the Coulomb and isospinnonconserving (INC) nuclear forces. To study the isospinsymmetry breaking, information for nuclei with N < Z is of particular interest but these nuclei are not easy to access experimentally. By comparison of nuclear masses [2] and detailed spectroscopic information [3] for nuclei having same isospin, T , one can study the isospin-related phenomena to explore the origin of the symmetry breaking.Measurable quantities have been suggested to probe the isospin-symmetry breaking. Mirror energy differences (MED), which are the differences between excitation energies of the T = 1 isobaric analogue states (IAS), are regarded as measures of the charge-symmetry breaking. On the other hand, triplet energy differences (TED) among the triplet T = 1 nuclei are used to indicate the charge-independence breaking. MED were extensively studied for the f 7/2 -shell nuclei up to high spins (see Ref.[4] for review). TED were discussed for the A = 46 [5,6], A = 50 [7], and A = 54 [8, 9] triplet nuclei. These studies have suggested that the INC nuclear interaction in the f 7/2 shell plays an important role in the explanation for the observed MED and TED [4,10]. In the upper sd shell, however, studies showed [11] that important contributions to the symmetry breaking come from the multipole Coulomb term and the electromagnetic spin-orbit interaction, but not from the INC nuclear interaction. Little has been explored for the upper f p-shell above the N = Z = 28 shell closure, and our knowledge on the isospin-symmetry breaking in the mass-70 region is presently very limited.Recent advances in experiment have made it possible to collect very exotic spectroscopic data. In the past few years, experimental information on mirror nuclei of the upper f p-shell above the doubly-magic nucleus 56 Ni became available. The MED in the A ∼ 60 mass region were discussed [12,...