Some of the theoretical uncertainties inherent in the theory of weak interactions and their possible influence on the fitted value of the Cabibbo angle ate discussed. Special attention is given to the problem of the q2-dependence of the form factors.At presentan intensive experimental study of the semileptonic decays of the baryon octet is in progress in several laboratories. At the XVth International Conference on High Energy Physies the results of "A New Fit of the Parameters for Cabibbo's Theory" has been presented [1]. The value of the Cabibbo angle in the case of a one-angle fit 0 = 0 v = 0A turned out to bei.e. the relative statistical error is smaller than 2 ~/o. The mean value depends, however, on many approximations which ate introduced in order to arrive at working formulas with a reasonable number of free parameters. In the present paper we would like to make some remarks coneerning these approxim ations.One of the sources of the theoretical uncertainty is the q2-dependenee of ~C B--* B" [ -2 ~