Legionella pneumophila, the causative agent of Legionnaires' disease, is a ubiquitous microorganism inhabiting man-made water systems and freshwater biotopes. Legionella infection occurs after inhalation of aerosolized bacteria. The organism invades and proliferates in alveolar macrophages of the human lung. In the environment, Legionella replicates intracellularly in amoebae and other protozoans (13).Previous studies have demonstrated that the flagellum positively affects the establishment of infection but is not required for intracellular replication (9, 28). On the other hand, it has been shown that the flagellar system is needed for full fitness of L. pneumophila (20). Furthermore, it is known that the complex flagellar regulon is coordinately regulated with the expression of other virulence-associated factors (4,6,20,32). Studies in our laboratory have demonstrated that the flaA gene (encoding the major subunit flagellin) is positively regulated by the alternative 28 factor (FliA) and seems to be negatively regulated by the transcriptional regulator FlaR (16,18,20). Furthermore, flaA expression is modulated by various environmental factors (17); for a review see reference 21).Genome analysis revealed the presence of putative 54 promoter sites upstream of most of the flagellar operons, and we hypothesized that RpoN and FleQ may regulate these operons (21). For Pseudomonas aeruginosa it has been shown that 54 and a factor containing a 54 interaction domain are at the top of the cascade of flagellar gene regulation (2,7,8,25). In order to obtain support for our hypothesis and to further characterize the cascade of flagellar gene expression, we screened the genome sequence of L. pneumophila for a homolog of rpoN and for factors having a 54 interaction domain. In this paper we describe identification of the 54 factor and the transcriptional regulator FleQ and the role of this factor and this regulator in flagellar gene regulation in L. pneumophila.
MATERIALS AND METHODSL. pneumophila Corby serogroup 1 (S1) (22) was used to clone the rpoN and fleQ genes. The legionellae used in a Southern blot analysis were L. pneumophila (3), L. pneumophila type strains (S7, S10, S12, and S13) (P. C. Lück, Dresden, Germany), L. pneumophila Bloomington (ϭ ATCC 33155) (S3), L. pneumophila Los Angeles (ϭ ATCC 33156) (S4), L. pneumophila Chicago-2 (ϭ ATCC 33215) (S6), Legionella anisa (12), Legionella bozemanii ATCC 33217, Legionella dumoffii ATCC 33279, Legionella feelei ATCC 35072 (S1), Legionella gormanii ATCC 33297, Legionella hackeliae ATCC 33250 and ATCC 35999 (S1 and S2), Legionella israeliensis ATCC 43119, Legionella jordanis ATCC 33623, Legionella longbeachae ATCC 33462 and ATCC 33484 (S1 and S2), Legionella micdadei ATCC 33218, Legionella oakridgensis ATCC 33761, Legionella erythra (34), and Sarcobium (Legionella) lyticum PCM 2298 (Polish Culture of Microorganisms). Escherichia coli DH5␣ was used for cloning of recombinant plasmid DNA. Plasmid pUC18 or pUC19 (Pharmacia LKB, Freiburg, Germany) was used for subcloning of ...