Motility in the photosynthetic bacterium Rhodobacter sphaeroides is achieved by the unidirectional rotation of a single subpolar flagellum. In this study, transposon mutagenesis was used to obtain nonmotile flagellar mutants from this bacterium. We report here the isolation and characterization of a mutant that shows a polyhook phenotype. Morphological characterization of the mutant was done by electron microscopy. Polyhooks were obtained by shearing and were used to purify the hook protein monomer (FlgE). The apparent molecular mass of the hook protein was 50 kDa. N-terminal amino acid sequencing and comparisons with the hook proteins of other flagellated bacteria indicated that the Rhodobacter hook protein has consensus sequences common to axial flagellar components. A 25-kb fragment from an R. sphaeroides WS8 cosmid library restored wild-type flagellation and motility to the mutant. Using DNA adjacent to the inserted transposon as a probe, we identified a 4.6-kb SalI restriction fragment that contained the gene responsible for the polyhook phenotype. Nucleotide sequence analysis of this region revealed an open reading frame with a deduced amino acid sequence that was 23.4% identical to that of FliK of Salmonella typhimurium, the polypeptide responsible for hook length control in that enteric bacterium. The relevance of a gene homologous to fliK in the uniflagellated bacterium R. sphaeroides is discussed.Many bacterial species have the ability to move, and they alter the direction of their movement in response to different external stimuli, which enables them to migrate to more favorable environments (33). Swimming motility (as opposed to gliding and other types of motility) involves the function of a complex structure called the flagellum. The flagellum is composed of three main parts, the basal body, the hook, and the filament (for recent reviews, see references 9, 33, and 46). Much of the information generated to date regarding flagellar structure, assembly, function, and genetics has been obtained from the gram-negative organisms Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium (reviewed in references 20 and 32). These enteric bacteria possess between 5 and 10 peritrichous flagella per cell. The flagellum can rotate either counterclockwise, causing the filaments to form a bundle that produces translational motion, or clockwise (CW), causing the cell to tumble and reorient (31, 49).The filament is connected to the basal body through the hook, which works as a flexible coupling that allows torque generated by the motor to be transmitted to the filament (10, 11). For this purpose, the hook of the bacterial flagellum requires a rather well-defined length (23). A shorter hook would not generate a sufficient bend angle (23), and presumably a long flexible coupling would not permit effectively directed transmission of torque (57). The mean length that has been established for different bacterial species varies from 55 Ϯ 6 nm for the wild-type hook of S. typhimurium (15) to 69 Ϯ 8 nm for Treponema phagedenis (29) and u...